Wednesday 25 April 2012

The monster formerly known as Apple has thrown my daughter over his head (quick visit to causualty confirmed she has just got whiplash, lucky).  I think I preferred him wearing the post surgical hernia belt.  Also managed to make himself lame charging round the school.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Apple - Post Surgical Hernia

It has been 6 months since Apple stopped using the post surgical belt and there is little trace of the hernia.  The area where the lump was is still a little spongey but the vet suggests this is normal and will eventually heal completely.  Apple is obviously feeling well enough to gallop about 10 times round the school today, well done Emily for staying on board!

Friday 9 September 2011

Equine post surgical hernia

Apple is getting very grumpy about wearing the harness, I cant find any obvious sore points but he managed to bite my daughters back yesterday while she was trying to adjust it.  Very naughty boy, good job he looked sorry.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Apples progress

The belt has been on for a week now and it has not been without its problems.  It has a tendency to slide back if not secure, so he has wee'd on it a couple of times.  Good news is that it fits in the washing machine! Still we seem to have made some progress in that department and have swapped the pad we also bought from CMequine products with a smaller padded numnah.  It doesnt move around now.  Apple is pretty grumpy when we put the belt on but seems happy enough to lunge in it.  He is wearing the belt virtually 24/7 at the moment and the lump appears to have completely gone when we take it off to brush him, but it does come back if the belt is left off (when its being washed) so I think its going to take another few weeks.

Apples post surgical hernia

hello, our horse Apple had colic surgery in February at Newmarket Equine Hospital.  the surgery went reasonably well and Apple came home 2 weeks later.  He had an infection in the wound but this cleared up and the incision healed very well over the next 10 weeks.  However Apple then developed a hernia along the wound.  We then rested him to see if it would heal itself but no luck. So our vet recommended we go back to NEH for further surgery.  However our surgeon suggested we try the hernia belt from cmequineproducts in USA.  $600 later Apples pacel arrived and on 29th August we started using the belt.

My horse's post surgical hernia